
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer – CKAD

Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Certified Kubernetes Application Developer – CKAD – is one of the certifications available on Kubernetes

CKAD – Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

Recently I cleared the CNCF – Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s certification – CKAD – Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (YES.!!!)
If you haven’t explored Containers – Docker, Kubernetes, the whole cloud native journey, would request to start now.. Its much fun..
CNCF offers two certifications on Kubernetes
  • CKAD for Application Developers
  • CKA for DevOps / Administrators
CKAD is a real hands-on, performance based exam for a duration of 2 hours.
The curriculum covers following Kubernetes concepts on a big way:
  • Core Concepts
  • Configuration
  • Observability
  • Pod Design patterns
  • Networking
  • persistence
Multiple trainings are available in platforms like Linux Foundation, Udemy, Pluralsight but my favourite is Mumshad’s following Udemy course. It covers all the concepts needed for the certification and the Kode Kloud’s hands-on exercise of this training is very helpful.
Second choice would be the training course in Linux Foundation and it covers the concepts in much more depth.
Apart from the concepts one has to be really good with Linux command line commands and environment. During the test, you will be presented with multiple clusters and traversing through them needs skill.
Also brush up your vi editor commands since you will be required to write .yaml files for the K8s definition files.
Finally, try to containerise your legacy applications, learning or hobby apps (anything that you can put hands on) and deploy them in K8s using Minikube in your development environment. This will help in a long way.. Checkout this post for few practise exercises
The key is – Practise, Practise and More Practise…
CKAD Certificate Credential
Few resources that would help:
Onboard the Cloud Native wagon.. All the best for your efforts..
Happy coding..!!

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