
How to Install Docker Compose Offline

This post focus mainly on a scenario which we might face at times when we need to install Docker Compose but access to web / internet is not possible from the server due to security or access restrictions..

Docker gives alternate options for installing Compose using pip or as a Container. But even these options will not be possible due to policy restrictions as I explained before.

For the above cases, the following steps will be useful..

Install Docker Compose Offline

  1. Download the package

    Download the package on a system which has connectivity


  2. Rename the Package

    mv docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 docker-compose

  3. Copy / SSH

    Copy the package from step-2 to the required server through scp or ssh

  4. Make it Executable

    Make the package executable with right permissions

    mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin/

    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Hope it helps.. Happy coding..!!

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